Key word

Key word


  • Air GPS
  • CATEYE Atlas
  • CATEYE Sync
  • INOU
  • CATEYE Sync(for INOU)
  • CATEYE Atlas(INOU)

INOU Sync system requirement

Compatible OS
Windows 8/8.1/10 MacOS 10.10~10.14
Compatible browser
Edge, The current version of Safari, The current version of Firefox, The current version of Google Chrome
The recommended environment for individual OS, and sufficient hard disk space shall be provided. In addition, SD card shall be accepted (video data uses a considerable volume).

INOU Sync version

How to know the version of CATEYE Sync
  • For Windows, it is indicated at the bottom right of the top screen.
  • For Mac, it is indicated in "CATEYE Sync" on the menu bar.

Download INOU Sync

I cannot download CATEYE Sync.
It may have been detected as false-positive by antivirus software. Change the configuration of the antivirus software used so that INOUSyncinstaller.exe is not isolated and/or deleted.

Latest version of INOU Sync

How to obtain the latest version
It is instructed in INFORMATION on Top page. You can move into the download page from the link there. You can download also from CATEYE Atlas.
How to update
  • For Windows, download the latest Windows version of CATEYE Sync from Atlas. Double-click [InousSyncinstaller.exe] to execute. Once it is completed, CATEYE Sync starts.
  • For Mac, download the latest Mac version of CATEYE Sync from Atlas. Double-click [Install INOUSync.dmg] > [Install INOUSync.app] to execute. Once it is completed, CATEYE Sync starts.
Is data protected?
It is overwrite-installed, and old data is completely protected. It is protected in the same way, even when Sync is uninstalled and then re-installed.

Function of INOU Sync

What functions are contained in the application software?
This local software downloads the data recorded by INOU to PC, and then uploads to Atlas. It has also a function to update the firmware and INOU settings.

Install INOU Sync

How to install
  • For Windows, download the Windows version from Atlas. Double-click [InousSyncinstaller.exe] to execute. Once it is completed, CATEYE Sync starts.
  • For Mac, download the Mac version from Atlas. Double-click [Install INOUSync.dmg] > [Install INOUSync.app] to execute. Once it is completed, CATEYE Sync starts.
I cannot ...
  • Does your PC comply with the operating environment?
  • It may be successful by deleting the old version, and then install.
  • Security software may interfere. Disable the security software, when installing.

Uninstall INOU Sync

How to uninstall
  • Windows XP: Select and delete Sync from "Control panel" > "Add and delete programs."
  • Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Select and delete Sync from "Control panel" > "Uninstall programs."
  • Mac: Drag CATEYE Sync from Application folder to Trash.


Management of two or more users on a single PC
Only one user can be registered with the same account of a single PC. You have to change the account of your PC.

Download (data transfer) INOU data

Downloading media
Download to PC through a SD card adapter. When PC has no slot, a card reader can be used (For information on how to use, see below).
What is the difference between "One button upload" and "Download data from SD card" ?
One button upload proceeds in a sequence to download data to PC, and then upload data to Site. "Download data from SD card" only downloads data to PC.
Method 1: Download data to PC.
Press the "Download data from SD card" button: You can download all data in SD card to PC, view on the data list of Sync, and then select the data to upload. After download, data is deleted from SD card.
Method 2: Download and upload simultaneously.
Use the "One button upload" button: For this method, PC has to be connected to the Internet. All data in SD card are downloaded to PC, and then uploaded to Atlas (also to YouTube when a video is contained). In the same way as with "Download data from SD card", you can view on the data list of Sync using PC, and data is deleted from SD card.
I cannot ...
  • Is CATEYE Sync the latest version? Download and install the latest version of CATEYE Sync from Atlas for testing.
  • Is the INOU firmware the latest version? Copy the latest version to SD card for testing.
It takes time to download.
It takes a long time when the data size is large, or many videos are contained.
The same data is repeatedly downloaded to CATEYE Sync.
If the SD card adapter is locked, data in SD card cannot be deleted even after it is downloaded to PC, and it is repeatedly downloaded when downloading again. Delete the data in SD card using PC.

Upload Data

How to manage videos
Movies are stored on YouTube. Movies will go public on YouTube according to your YouTube account setup even "Private" or "Friends Only" on CATEYEAtlas has been selected.
How to upload to Atlas
Select the data to upload from the data list of CATEYE Sync, and then press the "Detail" button. Select the photos and movies to upload using the data editing function, and then press the "Upload" button.
I cannot upload to Atlas.
  • Any data without route (measurement has not started) cannot be uploaded to Atlas. They can be viewed on PC, as independent photos and movies.
  • A single user cannot redundantly upload the same trip to Atlas. It is possible to re-upload the trip after deleting the trip already uploaded. When a movie is contained, delete the movie already uploaded to YouTube according to the instructions.
  • Is CATEYE Sync the latest version? Some cases may be settled by updating CATEYE Sync to the latest version. Download from Atlas and install for testing.
  • Is it over the capacity limit of CATEYE Atlas 500MB per account (excluding videos uploaded to YouTube)? Delete unnecessary trips to ensure available capacity.
  • Upload may fail if your PC enters sleep state during uploading. Change setting to prohibit your PC from entering the sleep state and try again.
Photos and videos are not uploaded.
Select the photos and videos from [Data list] > [Data edit], and then press the "Upload" button.
I want to upload only the route.
Only the route is uploaded, when pressing the "Upload" button, without selecting the photos and movies from [Data list] > [Data edit].
YouTube account is required.
Movies are managed by YouTube; therefore, your own account is required to upload movies there.
Uploading a video fails.
Hasn't the same video already been uploaded to YouTube? Delete the relevant video from My video list of YouTube, and then upload it again.
Uploading a video fails, and it cannot be uploaded as a trip.
  • Upload without any video (A video without a thumbnail in the data details may be the cause of failure. It may be uploaded by removing only such videos).
  • Upload error occurs when it gets no reply from YouTube for more than 30 minutes due to busy line conditions, etc. Try again later.
  • Are any applications open to see movies or photos of the trip? Shut down other applications and try again.
It takes time to upload.
  • It takes a long time if many videos of large data size are contained. Reducing the number of videos may shorten the time required to upload.
  • Busy condition of the line and YouTube site may significantly affect the time required to upload. It is recommended to re-try later.

Data list

Elapsed time is unknown for some data.
The unit has been turned on, but measurement has not started. Check that a yellow lamp flashes when recording. Note that the time cannot be identified when GPS is not acquired.
A movie is divided.
In order to upload smoothly to YouTube, the recorded movie is divided into a maximum of 5 minutes by Sync. To view it as a complete movie on PC, it is necessary to unify using movie editing software, etc.
Preview screens for some photos are not appeared
Photo shooting may fail due to an outer shock.
Search original data.
Display the folder by pressing [Data list] > [Data edit] > [Display data folders] button.
How to delete data from Sync
Press the "Delete" button for the data to be deleted, then the data is deleted. Note that not only the data in Sync is deleted, but also the associated data is deleted from PC.
Where is data saved?
  • Windows XP: Create a folder based on data from My computer > Local disk > Documents and Settings > (Account name) > Application Data > INOUsync > Local Store > Import.Import.
  • Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Create a folder based on data from My computer > Local disk > Users > (Account name) > AppData > Roaming > INOUsync > Local Store > Import.
  • ac: Create a folder based on data from Home holder > Library > Preferences > INOUSync > Local Store > Import.
How to play videos on PC
Press the [Data list] > [Data edit] > [Display data folders] button, and then locate and double-click the mp4 data in the displayed data folder to play.
Data display in the data list is wrong.
Once data in the data folder with original data is deleted or moved, database management is disabled, which may result in wrong display of the data list.

Transfer data

How to transfer data to other PC
Not available with the current version.

Setup INOU

How to change the auto photo shooting interval
Click the Setting tab on the unit with a SD card connected to PC, select from 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes, and then press the "Save settings" button to finalize. The default value is 1 minute.
How to change the video image quality
Click the Setting tab on the unit with a SD card connected to PC, select 30 frames (smooth operation) or 15 frames (sharp image quality), and then press the "Save settings" button to finalize. The default value is 15 frames.
How to check the firmware version
Check the current version and the latest version from "Firmware update" on top, with a SD card connected to PC.
How to update the firmware
Check if there is an updated firmware from "Firmware update" on top, with a SD card connected to PC. Obtain the latest version following instructions on CATEYE Atlas.

Login setting to Atlas

How to retain Login info
Click the Login setting tab, enter your E-mail address and password, and press the "Save" button to finalize.


How to acquire an account
Click the YouTube account setting tab, press the "Acquire YouTube account" button, and then follow the instructions.
How to set an account
Click the YouTube account setting tab, enter your YouTube user name and password, and press the "Save" button to finalize.
I forgot my password.
Click the YouTube account setting tab, press click the "If you forget your password" link, and then follow the instructions.

CATEYE Atlas is a website where you can view trips and data logged with your CATEYE computer.
The site uses Google Maps to show a record of every route you choose to upload, making it the perfect way to log your travels. What's more, if you use an INOU - CATEYE's cutting-edge trip recorder with built-in camera - you'll also be able to enjoy photos and videos you've taken along the way. You can also communicate with other site members by commenting on their trips, making CATEYE Atlas a great place to expand your cycling horizons.
Registration is free, so sign up now and start uploading your favorite routes!

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  • Tip on How to Use Homepage
  • SmartComputer Troubleshooting
  • Application dedicated for INOU CATEYE Sync Download now.
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