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  • Air GPS
  • CATEYE Atlas
  • CATEYE Sync
  • INOU
  • CATEYE Sync(for INOU)
  • CATEYE Atlas(INOU)

CATEYE Sync operating environment

What operating systems is CATEYE Sync compatible with?
Windows 8/8.1/10 MacOS 10.10~10.14
What browsers is CATEYE Sync compatible with?
CATEYE Sync can be used with Edge, The current version of Safari, The current version of Firefox, The current version of Google Chrome
What are the hardware requirements for CATEYE Sync?
Ensure that you have the hardware environment recommended for your operating system and sufficient free hard disk space.

CATEYE Sync version

How can I find what version of CATEYE Sync I'm using?
  • Windows: The version is indicated at the bottom right of the main screen.
  • Mac: The version is indicated in "CATEYE Sync version information" on the menu bar.

Downloading CATEYE Sync

Why can't I download CATEYE Sync?
If you are having trouble downloading CATEYE Sync, this may be because the software has been detected as a false-positive by your antivirus software. Change the settings of your antivirus software so that INOUSyncinstaller.exe is not isolated and/or deleted.

Latest version of CATEYE Sync

Where can I get the latest version of CATEYE Sync?
When a new version is available, a link to the download page will appear under "INFORMATION" on the main screen of CATEYE Sync. You can also download the latest version of CATEYE Sync from CATEYE Atlas.
Will I lose my exiting data if I update CATEYE Sync?
No. Existing data will not be deleted when the software is updated. In the same way, your existing data will also be protected if you uninstall and then re-install CATEYE Sync.

Function of CATEYE Sync

What does CATEYE Sync do?
CATEYE Sync is software used for downloading data recorded with the Stealth, Q Series, or INOU to a PC, and uploading this data to CATEYE Atlas. CATEYE Sync can also be used to change computer settings.

Installing CATEYE Sync

How do I install/update to the latest version of CATEYE Sync?
  • Windows: Download the latest Windows version of CATEYE Sync from CATEYE Atlas and double-click CateyeSyncInstaller.exe to begin the installation. CATEYE Sync will start once the installation is complete. (If CATEYE Sync is already installed, it will be updated to the latest version.)
  • Mac: Download the latest Mac version of CATEYE Sync from CATEYE Atlas and double-click CATEYESync.dmg to decompress. After moving cateyeAgent from the window that opens to the Applications folder, double-click "Install CATEYESync" to begin the installation. CATEYE Sync will start once the installation is complete. (If CATEYE Sync is already installed, it will be updated to the latest version.)
I'm having trouble installing CATEYE Sync. What should I do?
  • Check that your PC complies with the recommended operating environment.
  • You may be able to install the new version successfully by uninstalling the old version first.
  • Your security software may be interfering with the installation. Disable your security software when installing.
  • In Mac OS X 10.8 and later versions, it may not be possible to install the software unless you open System Preferences, select "Security & Privacy", and on the "General" tab, change the setting for "Allow applications downloaded from".

Uninstalling CATEYE Sync

How do I uninstall CATEYE Sync?
  • Windows XP: In the Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs, and select and delete CATEYE Sync.
  • Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: In the Control Panel, click Uninstall a program, and select and delete CATEYE Sync.
  • Mac: Drag CATEYE Sync from the Application folder to the Trash.

Managing multiple users

How do I register two or more users on a single PC?
Only one user can be registered per user account on a single PC. If you want to add another user, log in to your PC as a different user and register a different account.

Downloading/transferring Stealth data

What hardware do I need to download data from my computer to my PC?
You will need the USB cradle.
How do I download data from my computer to my PC?
Start CATEYE Sync and click "Download". You can download all data from the device to PC, view data in the CATEYE Sync data list, and then select data to transfer to CATEYE Atlas. After it has been downloaded, data is deleted from the computer.
I am having trouble downloading data from my computer to my PC. What should I do?
  • Check that you are using the latest version of CATEYE Sync. Try downloading and installing the latest version of CATEYE Sync from CATEYE Atlas.
  • Check that the computer is firmly attached to the cradle.
  • Check that you are using the latest version of Adobe AIR. You may be able to download data normally by updating Adobe AIR.
  • Mac: It is possible that CATEYE Sync has not been installed correctly. Check that the Applications folder contains a folder labeled "cateyeAgent". If you cannot find the folder, drag the "cateyeAgent" folder from the CATEYE Sync installer to the Applications folder.
Why does it take so long to download data?
If you are using an older PC or downloading a large amount of data, downloading may take some time.
Why did downloading fail halfway through?
Downloading may fail if you have stored a lot of data. It is recommended to download frequently and not store lots of data.

Uploading data to CATEYE Atlas

How do I upload data to CATEYE Atlas?
In CATEYE Sync, select data in the data list that you want to upload, and click "Upload".

Uploading data to other websites

How do I upload data from to STRAVA or TrainingPeaks?
Select data in the data list that you want to upload, and click the "STRAVA" or "TrainingPeaks" icon. The first time you log in you must perform user authentication for the website in question.
Can I upload trips to multiple websites?
Yes. Trips in the data list can be uploaded to multiple websites.
Can I analyze training programs and the like?
Yes. By pressing the "TrainingPeaks" button and exporting data in .fit format, it is possible to use services offered by other websites.
Why can't I upload data to CATEYE Atlas?
  • Check that you have completed CATEYE Atlas login settings. To upload data to CATEYE Atlas, you must first set an email address and password in the "Account Settings" tab on the "Settings" screen in CATEYE Sync.
  • Check that you are using the latest version of CATEYE Sync. Some issues may be resolved by updating CATEYE Sync to the latest version. Try downloading and installing the latest version of CATEYE Sync from CATEYE Atlas.
Why does it take so long to upload data to CATEYE Atlas?
Line conditions may significantly affect the time required to upload data. If you are having trouble uploading, it is recommended that you try again later.

Data list

Why are elapsed time values abnormally long sometimes?
Long time values may be displayed if the time difference between starting and stopping was long - for example if a reset was not performed before or after measurement.
Why is unnecessary data created?
The computer is designed to start a new measurement after it has been reset. An unnecessary trip is created between the reset performed after measurement has finished and the reset performed before starting the next measurement. Delete this trip after loading data in CATEYE Sync.
Why is the elapsed time value so short?
As GPS acquisition time becomes the trip start time, the time before acquisition is cut, and the elapsed time is shortened.
How do I delete data from CATEYE Sync?
Select the data that you want to delete in the data list, and press the "Delete" button to delete it.

Transferring data

How do I transfer data to another PC?
Select the data that you want to transfer in the data list, click "Export", and then click "CATEYESync" to export data in .ces format to a desired location. It is possible to import .ces data as trip data in CATEYE Sync by clicking "Import" on the CATEYE Sync Top page.

Connected device settings

How do I change Stealth settings using CATEYE Sync?
Set the Stealth in the cradle, connect the cradle to the PC, and click "Stealth" on the "Settings" screen. Click "Read" to load Stealth settings, change the settings as desired, and then click "Apply" to save the changes you have made.
How do I change Q Series settings using CATEYE Sync?
Set the Q Series in the cradle, connect the cradle to the PC, and click "Q Series" on the "Settings" screen. Click "Read" to load Q Series settings, change the settings as desired, and then click "Apply" to save the changes you have made.
How do I delete measurement data from Stealth?
Set the Stealth in the cradle, connect the cradle to the PC, and click "Stealth" on the "Settings" screen. Click "Erase data" to delete all measurement data stored in the Stealth.

Login settings for CATEYE Atlas

Where do I enter CATEYE Atlas login info?
Click "Account Settings" on the "Settings" screen, enter your email address and password, and click "Apply" to confirm. These settings must be completed before uploading your first trip.

CATEYE Atlas is a website where you can view trips and data logged with your CATEYE computer.
The site uses Google Maps to show a record of every route you choose to upload, making it the perfect way to log your travels. What's more, if you use an INOU - CATEYE's cutting-edge trip recorder with built-in camera - you'll also be able to enjoy photos and videos you've taken along the way. You can also communicate with other site members by commenting on their trips, making CATEYE Atlas a great place to expand your cycling horizons.
Registration is free, so sign up now and start uploading your favorite routes!

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  • Tip on How to Use Homepage
  • SmartComputer Troubleshooting
  • Application dedicated for INOU CATEYE Sync Download now.
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